Yard Labor

Yard Labor

Posted by Moonbird | 24 February 2016 | Service & Refit

We take pride in the quality of our team members with years of experience in the boat yard industry and our rates our the best in the state.

Common yard labor
$60 hr per man

Skilled labor
$85 hr per man

Mobile Service
(rates cover oil, fuel and mileage)

Technician $85/hr standard
Helper $65/hr standard

Capt. Dave Gardner, charter boat Vonda Kay & charter boat Queen Jean

“Our livelihood depends on the safety of our boats and Cape Fear Boat Works is the safest yard in Eastern NC. There are not many lifts in this part of the country that can pick my boats up because of the size but also because they are made of wood which is a bit more delicate then fiberglass. The CFBW crew was very thoughtful in their placement and support of the keels.”